NIOZ - Sabine Gollner

Sabine Gollner

Dr Gollner has >15 years expertise as deep-sea benthic ecologist, is linked to the global DOSI network, and has experience with the International Seabed Authority (ISA). She obtained her PhD in ecology/zoology at the University of Vienna/Austria (topic: diversity of hydrothermal vent fauna), and was afterwards engaged in the EU project MIDAS: “Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation”. At NIOZ, her current projects include diversity and connectivity of vent fauna in the Atlantic and Pacific, as well as “JPIO MiningImpact 2” where she explores biodiversity
and restoration after mining impact at nodule fields. Sabine has been on 8 research expeditions on the high seas and has published >30 peer-reviewed articles and reports. She is member of the Netherlands delegation to the ISA, and has joined several workshops organized by the ISA (e.g. on Regional Environmental Management Plans). She is colead of the Minerals Working Group of the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI).