Project management

WP1 will ensure the project management and dissemination/communication strategy of DEEP REST. 

Coordination, monitoring, control and distribution of tasks 

● The Coordinator (Dr Jozée Sarrazin, Ifremer) will supervise the overall project activities, in close connection with WP leaders (Steering Committee) to monitor milestones and deliverables achievement, and compliance with the project schedule. Supported by an internal management team, she will organize, chair and moderate consortium meetings, ensuring participation and contribution from all beneficiaries,  take care of the daily operational project management, including the coordination and consolidation of reporting activities, and handling of legal, contractual, financial and other administrative issues, in connection with the BiodivRestore Secretariat. She will monitor the outcome of risks and coordinate risk mitigation measures whenever needed. 

● The Steering Committee (SC) will gather all WP leaders, and meet virtually every 3 months. The SC will supervise the progression of the overall work planned, organize task meetings and ensure that the  different deadlines are respected. 

WP leaders will be responsible for correct WP implementation by the partners in charge of activities, and compliance with the tasks, work plan and schedule. They will monitor the achievement and quality  of milestones and deliverables related to the WP, and will immediately report on any deviation from the  work plan.  

● An Advisory Board (AB) of established scientists, NGOs, mining industries, and regulators/authorities will be constituted at the beginning of the project (M3). This advisory board will be informed about the  progression/problems of the project, provide advice to ensure good progress of the project and help to  increase the societal impacts of the funded research. It will participate in annual meetings and will be linked to the consortium via “instant messaging” (gitlabchat). 

● The General assembly (GA) of all project partners will assist at annual meetings and actively participate in decision-making when necessary.