

BiodivERsA is the European network of national and local programmers and funders of research on biodiversity, ecosystem services and naturebased Solutions. It currently comprises 36 agencies, ministries and local authorities from 23 countries. BiodivERsA strengthens the cooperation between biodiversity research programmers and funders with a strong link to the European Commission, identifying and developing shared biodiversity research strategies. The principal aim is to provide policy makers and other stakeholders with adequate knowledge, tools and solutions to conserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystems, better manage biodiversity to deliver a range of ecosystem services, and develop naturebased solutions tackling major societal challenges.

Water JPI


Joint Programming Initiatives are inter-governmental collaborations meant to tackle major societal challenges unable to be addressed by individual countries and in doing so contribute to the development of the European Research Area. Member States and Associated Countries participate in joint initiatives on a voluntary basis in order to increase the value of relevant national and European R&D funding through joint planning, implementation and evaluation of national research programmes. Launched in 2010, the Joint Programming Initiative Water challenges for a changing world, the Water JPI, tackles the ambitious challenge of achieving sustainable water systems for a sustainable economy in Europe and abroad.

DEEP-REST funding organisations :