Radio interviews on France Inter and RFI

Two radio interviews (France Inter & RFI) were done during the month of March 2023 by DEEP REST participants. The starting point of these interviews was the recent publication of the book « La Vie Profonde » resulting from a collaboration with two scientists of the Deep Sea Lab at Ifremer and the scientific writer David Wahl. The book relates the adventure of David on board the research vessel Pourquoi pas? in 2017. David was cited as the modern Jules Vernes so rich and colourful is his prose.

« On July 8, 2017, the Pourquoi Pas? a vessel in the French oceanographic fleet, set sail on a three-week scientific mission in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The aims of this expedition: to observe a hydrothermal field located 1,700 meters deep and to study its extraordinary fauna. Among the seventy-five sailors and scientists on board was David Wahl, on a mission of his own. For three weeks, the writer wrote his logbook. This rare account - which brings together the emerged and the submerged, as well as poetry and science - reveals the existence of a deep-sea universe that is still unknown, mysterious and hostile, but which never ceases to arouse curiosity. Even before they have been fully explored, the abysses are threatened by the risk of human exploitation. As much as an ode to underwater beauty, David Wahl's book is an appeal to reason and to the protection of these ecosystems. »